- http://shaver.off.net/diary/2010/01/23/html5-video-and-codecs/
- https://hacks.mozilla.org/2012/03/video-mobile-and-the-open-web/
Mozilla has decided differently, in part because there is no apparent means for us to license H.264 under terms that would cover other users of our technology, such as Linux distributors, or people in affiliated projects like Wikimedia or the Participatory Culture Foundation. Even if we were to pay the $5,000,000 annual licensing cost for H.264, and we were to not care about the spectre of license fees for internet distribution of encoded content, or about content and tool creators, downstream projects would be no better off.払うのはいいんだけど、えーと、ソースコードをビルドした人たちも払うのはどうかと思うよってことがポイントで、WebMで幸せになるかと思いきや、