Hi WebKittens,
I’d like to propose removing the Pointer Lock API code from WebKit. The code hasn’t been touched for 12 months, and AFAICT no ports are building with ENABLE(POINTER_LOCK).
Is anyone currently building (and shipping / planning to ship) this API?
Other thoughts?
I’d like to propose removing support for the Microdata JS API (http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/microdata.html) from WebKit. The specification has not gotten much adoption from either implementors or from site authors. Additionally, its use cases can all be addressed in author scripts, and if we see it becoming popular we can always bring it back.
The Mac port has never enabled the feature, and Blink has recently ripped out their support.
(I have done the work to rip it out, but it is not up for review yet - https://webkit.org/b/119480)
とか (これはマジで削除だったけど。http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/153772)。
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